Logo of Fractory


Fractory.co platform helps You find the best supplier according to Your specifications. Save time and get the price in seconds with our online automated quoting system.

HQ location: Tallinn, Estonia
Founded in: 2017
Size: 11 - 50 employees
Industry: Manufacturing
Technologies used:
Fractory is a cloud manufacturing company connecting engineers to production capacity around the world through an automated platform.
The system encompasses CAD file processing, instant pricing, job distribution and aggregation, invoicing and even transportation – all the administrative work.
Average rating of the hiring process:
  • “About Fractory I had a great impression and to be honest has been the best hiring process I've been involved in, every time the interviewers were very friendly and professional, and what I liked most is the detailed feedback that they give me about the Technical/Coding interview, I really appreciated because help me a lot in my professional growth.“
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HQ location: Tallinn, Estonia
Founded in: 2017
Size: 11 - 50 employees
Industry: Manufacturing
Technologies used: