Logo of Sharper Shape

Sharper Shape reference

Using AI-based asset and vegetation intelligence to transform T&D inspections, making utilities sharper and better!

HQ location: Espoo, Finland
Founded in: 2013
Size: 51 - 200 employees
Industry: Software Development
Candidate skills:

With Toughbyte's help we were able to redesign our cloud based solution over the course of a year. They rewrote almost all our core front-end components such as application routing, which is now fast and seamless and our map engine, making it more responsive and extendable. The team also created a back-end PDF reporting service and did great work on our flight operation interface. They put the infrastructure in place to run integration tests and wrote many test cases. They've been a real asset and we're happy to continue working with them.

Photo of Markus Kuusisto
Markus Kuusisto
Vice President of Engineering
Sharper Shape is a Drone Software as a Service (DSaaS™) company, driven to automate the entire process of drone-based utility inspections. They do not make drones, they make them better having created one of the world’s most advanced aerial sensor systems and their technology powers the automatic collection and analysis of unmanned aerial inspection data.
HQ location: Espoo, Finland
Founded in: 2013
Size: 51 - 200 employees
Industry: Software Development
Candidate skills: