Logo of Time Doctor

Time Doctor

A time tracking and productivity software for businesses and individuals.

HQ location: Las Vegas, United States
Founded in: 2010
Size: 51 - 200 employees
Industry: Internet Publishing
Technologies used:
Time Doctor is a time tracking and productivity software for remote teams. Their goal with the software is to help individuals and organizations to be more productive when working remotely. With their help teams can improve the speed and effectiveness of communication in organizations, clearly organize, communicate and delegate their daily tasks, reduce time spent on email, and other non-work related distractions, ensure employees use their time effectively, and reduce time spent on everyday tasks, including commonly generated reports.
Average rating of the hiring process:
  • “The hiring process was timely and informative.“
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HQ location: Las Vegas, United States
Founded in: 2010
Size: 51 - 200 employees
Industry: Internet Publishing
Technologies used: